The Ninth Circuit Court EXPOSED THE TRUTH in a groundbreaking decision that will have profound legal ramifications for COVID-19 shots and beyond.
Here’s what you need to know:
The Ninth Circuit ruled that because the COVID shots do not stop the spread of disease, they cannot be classified as vaccines.
This means it was completely illegal for the US Government and its various tyrannical health agencies to force anyone to take these shots.
In October 2021, America’s Frontline Doctors and I sued Kaiser on behalf of 4,000 employees based on this argument. I clearly saw that these were experimental therapeutics that did not stop transmission – they were not vaccines as the word had been historically defined, and therefore our government had no legal standing to mandate them. We were the first to present this legal theory, and this pivotal ruling is a direct result of our work.
The Ninth Circuit’s decision affirms my work, and the work of America’s Frontline Doctors!
Liability protection under U.S. law is granted only to valid vaccines. The CDC and pharmaceutical companies were fully aware of this critical distinction when they changed the definition of “vaccine” in 2021 to include mRNA shots.
This pivotal decision also reveals the lack of integrity of the CDC’s actions and holds Big Pharma accountable for its attempt to manipulate legal protections.
The US Government and its corrupt health agencies mislead the public by altering definitions and pushing mandates that do not meet legal or health standards. This ruling challenges government overreach and represents a HUGE VICTORY for medical freedom.
Ultimately, this decision challenges Big Pharma’s unlimited liability protection and may hold them responsible for producing dangerous COVID-19 treatments.
I believe this ruling may fundamentally reshape national vaccine policies and prevent future un-constitutional mandates. Further, this opens the door for those who lost their jobs and livelihoods for refusing the injections to seek restitution. |