Disturbing Levels of Chemicals Found in Gluten-Free Foods

Moms Across America speculated that gluten-free foods might not be as clean as people think

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Disturbing Levels of Chemicals and Gluten Found in Gluten-Free Foods

By Kimberly Drake, Health News:

“Moms Across America speculated that gluten-free foods might not be as clean as people think after supporters reported experiencing ongoing health issues even after following a GF diet.

To investigate this further, the organization tested 46 samples of organic and non-organic gluten-free foods for herbicides, 236 pesticides, gluten, and minerals. The tests were conducted by Health Research Institute Laboratories.

The gluten-free product with the highest glyphosate level was Banza Chickpea pasta. Mothers Across America says testing showed the product contained the herbicide at 2,963 ppb — “the highest amount of glyphosate in human food the lab has recorded.”

However, two products — Lesser Evil Popcorn and Edward and Sons Rice Crackers — had no detectable levels of the herbicide.

According to Moms Across America, the five products with the highest glyphosate levels were:

* Banza Cavatappi pasta

* Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free flour

* Flax4Life chocolate brownies

* Pamela’s Figgies and Jammies mission fig cookies

* Kind Kids Chewy Chocolate Chip bars”

Read more about this and how gluten-free food producers not at fault, being it’s challenging for food producers to locate ingredients without these chemicals because of their widespread use on crops — something the U.S. government allows

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