Fluorescent Face & Eye Of Horus, Human Limbic Syst. = Smell-Emotions-Memory, Pheromone Fear,
Behavior Modification
The Highlights:
- Spraying of Biological Pesticides with Invisible Dye and Human Exposure – The Eye of Horus & Pheromone Fear
- What the nose knows – Experts discuss the science of smell and how scent, emotion, and memory are intertwined — and exploited
- “Smell and emotion are stored as one memory.”
- Pentagon Explores ‘Human Fear’ Chemicals; Scare-Sensors, ‘Contagious’ Stress in the Works?
American military researchers are working to uncover and harness the most terrifying chemical imaginable: that most primal odor, the scent of fear. Pheromones are chemicals released by animals as signals to their own kind: for sex, for territorial marking, and more. They’re often detected in the olfactory membranes. But there’s more to pheromones than attraction. […]
- Air force looked at spray to turn enemy gay
Image Courtesy: Justin Coy, PhD, Individual with 1 Moderna C19 Injection and 3 PCR tests shows orange flourescent skin tattoo. In the white sclera are 2 flourscent bright spots on boht sides of the iris consistent with Eye of Horus Phenomenon In this follow up substack, I am posting the images that Justin Coy, PhD was talking about regarding the Eye of Horus Phenomenon that he also discovered in C19 injected individuals.
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Fluorescent Orange Face Tattoo Under UV Light In C19 Vaccinated And Eye Of Horus Phenomenon – Are Humans Limbic Systems Being Altered For Behavior Modification?
Image Courtesy: Justin Coy, PhD, Individual with 1 Moderna C19 Injection and 3 PCR tests shows orange flourescent skin tattoo. In the white sclera are 2 flourscent bright spots on boht sides of the iris consistent with Eye of Horus Phenomenon In this follow up substack, I am posting the images that Justin Coy, PhD was talking about regarding the Eye of Horus Phenomenon that he also discovered in C19 injected individuals. I explained the research of Dr Hildy Staninger with UV light in finding self assembly nanotechnology markers after aerial spraying of pheromone pesticides in California in 2008. Here is the article abstract:
Here is an image of the flourescent spots in the eyes after this nanotechnology pesticide deployement in 2008 detected by Dr Hildy Staninger:
As Dr Staninger explained in her article, attacking the limbic system with self assembly nanoparticles and potentially pheromones, can affect memory, emotions, and was speficially suspected to cause fear. In my interview with Justin Coy, PhD we discussed that many people can smell the C19 vaccinated, they emit a specific scent. I have had many patients complain to me that this scent is unpleasant. The other interesting aspect of discovering the Eye of Horus markings in the C19 vaccinated is that Clifford Carnicom and I had found the difference between the C19 injected and uninjected is the extreme sensitivity to 4 HZ. Dr Len Ber, a leader in the Targeted Individual movement has gracefully shared with me his functional MRI scan that shows 4Hz activity in the corpus callosum – a structure in close proximit of the limbic system – in the waking state – he is also C19 injected. 4 Hz is a brain wave activity of deep sleep. This indicates potential subliminal programming of the subconscious mind, also known as mind control. This is another attack on the surroundings of the limbic system of the brain. The olfactory system of smell also is affected. Isn’t it interesting how many people lost their sense of smell when the self assembly nanoparticles they called “Covid” was aerosolized? Do you know that is a way to emotionally manipulate people and affect their memory? The reason this connection is interesting is that the same phenomenon using pheromones was found in 2008 during aerial pesticide spraying.
Here is an article from Harvard that explains how the system works: “Smell and emotion are stored as one memory.” Dawn Goldworm, co-founder of “olfactive branding company”
I spoke about the fact that the military has weaponized pheromones in my interview with Justin Coy, PhD – this article is from 2008:
Here is another article of the Army weaponizing pheromones: Air force looked at spray to turn enemy gay
Is the Cabal working to influence people’s emotions and memories with the C19 injection that is self spreading by affecting hte limbic system? It is used for tracking not just manifested as a MAC address phenomenon but also a facial tatoo? Is the scent emitted from the C19 injected part of social engineering and manipulation of society? What are the pheromones emitted from the C19 injected programmed with? Is it fear and is that contributing to the epidemic of anxiety and panic attacks that we see in both the C19 injected as well as those affected by shedding? Just as a reminder this shows that nothing is visible on the face of a C19 vaccinated individual, until the 365 nm UV flashlight is turned on. This is when the orange facial tattoo is visible. As Justin Coy explained, it will spread over the entire forehead, please see this video: These are the filaments that come out of the C19 vaccinated skin. You can detect them after the person takes a hot shower and then inspect the skin with the UV flash light of 365nm. These filaments, just like morgellons are artificial intelligent synthetic life form, sensitive and attracted to biophotons or any component of the human body, like hair. If these are shedding from the C19 vaccinated as they have been found to do in the research of Justin Coy, and they are attracted to human skin, is that one way that shedding is transfecting to the C19 unvaccinated? If these filaments are airborne and then inhaled or transferred through touch, is that one of the mechanisms of shedding? Remember, the Pfizer trial documents show that inhaling the air around a vaccinated person can get you as an unvaccinated individual vaccinated.
I have looked at many C19 unvaccinated individuals with a 365 nm UV light, and so far they are either completely clear, or some do have orange tattoo around their nose. Few have some dots on their forhead, but that is rare and I have never seen the full bright orange tattoo on the entire forhead like Justing showed me in numerous C19 vaccinated individuals. If you have not seen our groundbreaking interview, you can find it here: Is it a coincidence that this tattoo is visible on the forehead? Revelation 13:16 -13:17 The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed. 16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name… Humanity United Now – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a reader-supported publication. To support my work, consider becoming a paid subscriber. You’re currently a free subscriber to Humanity United Now – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription.
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