Blood Microplastics, Hydrogel Synthetic Biology …
… the Ingredients Found in People’s Blood.
You Can Avoid them in your Cosmetics, Foods, Cleaning products, etc..
Extracts Taken from Dr. Ana Martia’s Report below:
[…] “This article published in the American Chemical Journal is confirming my live blood analysis findings. These researchers call the hydrogel nanotechnology microplastics. Of course they do not mention if people were injected with the C19 bioweapon, even though polyethylene is found.
Doctors and scientists have been telling us, that the spike protein causes cardiac toxicity and myocarditis. But we and other researchers have shown in detailed analysis that the C19 vials examined do not contain mRNA, but toxic metals.
I have shown extensive contamination with hydrogel synthetic biology and nanotechnology of the human live blood in C19 unvaccinated individuals due to shedding and environmental exposure.” […]
[…] “The scientists note that Polyethylene and Polyurethane is found. Polyethylene is in the C19 vials in form of Polyethylene Glycol. Clifford Carnicom and I found in C19 vaccinated and Unvaccinated blood Near Infrared signatures of polyvinyl alcohol, polyenes ( Polyethylene), Polyamides. The same chemical composition is found in this study as seen below: Polyamides polyethylene, polyvinyl. The scientists also found polyethylene terephtalate. These plastics have been found in environmental polymer filament analysis. Those are sprayed on humans via geoengineering operations.” […]
This article published in the American Chemical Journal is confirming my live blood analysis findings. These researchers call the hydrogel nanotechnology microplastics. Of course they do not mention if people were injected with the C19 bioweapon, even though polyethylene is found.
Humans Turning Into Cyborgs: Scientific Article On “Detection of Various Microplastics in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery”
This article published in the American Chemical Journal is confirming my live blood analysis findings. These researchers call the hydrogel nanotechnology microplastics. Of course they do not mention if people were injected with the C19 bioweapon, even though polyethylene is found. Doctors and scientists have been telling us, that the spike protein causes cardiac toxicity and myocarditis. But we and other researchers have shown in detailed analysis that the C19 vials examined do not contain mRNA, but toxic metals. I have shown extensive contamination with hydrogel synthetic biology and nanotechnology of the human live blood in C19 unvaccinated individuals due to shedding and environmental exposure. In addition, I have shown extensive hydrogel rubber clot development in blood samples. It is evident, that this hydrogel would be in every organ in the body. Here we have analysis of patients who had heart surgery. The results are shocking, saddening and worrisome in light of the global medical community ignoring our C19 vaccine analysis showing nanotechnology without mRNA and live blood in all humans showing contaminated blood. The scientists note that Polyethylene and Polyurethane is found. Polyethylene is in the C19 vials in form of Polyethylene Glycol. Clifford Carnicom and I found in C19 vaccinated and Unvaccinated blood Near Infrared signatures of polyvinyl alcohol, polyenes ( Polyethylene), Polyamides. The same chemical composition is found in this study as seen below: Polyamides polyethylene, polyvinyl. The scientists also found polyethylene terephtalate. These plastics have been found in environmental polymer filament analysis. Those are sprayed on humans via geoengineering operations. Abstract:
The patients were middle age:
Summary: These are catastrophic findings for the human race. These hydrogel plastics bio accumulate. We are bombarded with this material all the time and the C19 bioweapons and medications are making it so much worse. The live blood analysis shows extreme contamination, and we have proof now that all organs are affected. How much can a body take? Obviously these people needed heart surgery. I am running out of words… CATASTROPHIC. CATASTROPHIC. CATASTROPHIC. Humanity United Now – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. You’re currently a free subscriber to Humanity United Now – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription.
© 2023 Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD |